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Pupil Premium

Our ambition is that all students, irrespective of their background or the challenges they face, make good progress, achieve high attainment across the curriculum, engage with employers and, in particular learn digital skills in readiness for the workplace or future study. 

The focus of our pupil premium strategy is to support disadvantaged students to achieve these ambitions, regardless of the attainment the students achieve at primary school. We will consider the challenges faced by vulnerable pupils, such as those who have a social worker and young carers. The activity we have outlined in this statement is also intended to support their needs, regardless of whether they are disadvantaged or not.

High-quality first wave teaching is at the heart of our approach, with a focus on areas in which disadvantaged pupils require the most support, particularly numeracy and literacy skills. This is proven to have the greatest impact on closing the disadvantage attainment gap and at the same time will benefit the non-disadvantaged students in our school.  

Implicit in the intended outcomes detailed below, is the intention that non-disadvantaged students’ attainment will be sustained and improved alongside progress for their disadvantaged peers. 

The ultimate objectives for our disadvantaged pupils are:

  • Pupil Premium students will have attendance levels matching those of non-pupil premium students
  • Pupil Premium students will have achieved above the national average and gaps in attainment will have narrowed 
  • Students will have developed confidence and independence

Students will gain digital skills for the workplace of further study and engage in real life activities in technology projects.

BOA Digital Technologies Academy has the following key principles in relation to the expenditure of pupil premium funds:  

  • Expectations are high for all pupils. We do not equate deprivation and challenge with low ability
  • Not all pupils who qualify for pupil premium funding are socially disadvantaged and not all socially disadvantaged pupils qualify for or are eiligible for FSM. We therefore focus on the needs and levels of all students
  • All teaching and learning strategies are designed to meet the needs of individuals and groups. Additional support is integrated into the teaching programme