24 March 2025
Students at BOA Digital were given a powerful and inspiring message today as Hezron Brown, a reformed gang member turned motivational speaker, entrepreneur, and multi-award winner, visited the academy to share his extraordinary life journey.
21 March 2025
Last month, a group of talented students from BOA Digital Technologies had the exciting opportunity to attend the Girls Who Geek event at the Midlands Arts Centre (MAC). This inspiring exploratory day brought together young women and industry professionals for a series of informal discussions and hands-on experiences, all designed to highlight the incredible opportunities for women in the fields of art and technology.
13 March 2025
Students from BOA Digital recently took part in the REFRAME: Inspire Schools Project at the Midlands Arts Centre (MAC), an exciting initiative bringing together poetry, visual art, and digital skills to create an online ‘zine’.
6 March 2025
To mark World Book Day, we asked teachers at BOA Digital Technologies to share their favourite books and some even explain why they love them. Whether it's a gripping thriller, a timeless classic, or a thought-provoking memoir, each book holds a special place in their hearts. Their selections reflect a wide range of genres, themes, and personal connections, highlighting the power of storytelling to inspire, entertain, and educate.
Reading is not just a pastime; it is a gateway to new perspectives, knowledge, and imagination. Books have the ability to transport us to different worlds, introduce us to unforgettable characters, and challenge our ways of thinking. They can provide comfort, inspire change, and ignite a lifelong love of learning. In a fast-paced digital world, reading remains an essential tool for personal growth and understanding.
Here’s what our teachers had to say about the books that have left a lasting impact on them:
14 February 2025
A huge thank you to all the parents and carers who attended our Year 9 Curriculum Evening last night. We hope you found it informative and helpful in guiding your child through their next steps at BOA Digital Technologies.
13 February 2025
Our BOA Digital Technologies February Half Term bulletin has arrived packed with important updates, reminders, and key information for the half-term break!
This edition highlights online safety, encouraging families to have open conversations about staying safe online over the holidays. We also reflect on our recent Safer Internet Day, where students engaged in activities to develop their digital awareness and critical thinking skills.
For those looking for half-term activities, we’ve included some great suggestions to keep students engaged over the break. Plus, a reminder about our uniform policy and where to find official uniform items.
Don’t forget to check out the key dates section for important upcoming term and holiday information.
A full copy of the bulletin is below - stay informed and enjoy the break!