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Welcome Year 7's



Dear Parents and Students
I hope you are looking forward to starting year 7 at BOA Digital Technologies. Moving to secondary school is major step in a young person’s life and all the staff at BOA Digital Technologies are looking forward to helping  you settle quickly into academy life, enjoy the lessons and make new friends. 
Your first day will be at 9am on Thursday 8th September. On this day you will meet your form tutor and teaching staff and you will be given more information about the first weeks at BOA Digital. In addition, you will have your ID photograph taken, take a tour of the accommodation along with some activities to help us support your start at BOA Digital. Any other issues or concerns can be discussed during the day. Please meet at the Auditorium, Level 1 of Millennium Point. Parents are invited to stay for the first hour.

Please remember to bring the following with you:
 a signed copy of the Home Agreement in this pack and a pencil case with standard school stationery. No PE kit will be required. We will give you the school bag on this day. Come in full academy uniform.

I hope that Year 7 will prove to be the start of a bright career for you here at BOA Digital. I look forward to seeing you in September.

N.B. We will contact you if there is any change to the planned return on Thursday 8th September.

Yours sincerely

Paul Averis